
Standard Record Deal

When we sign you, you’ll receive our standard record and distribution contract. We’ve made our contract as easy to understand as possible, and we’ll explain anything you need us to. If you’re under 18, you will need to get your…

Record Contracts and Legal Cover

Record Contract Being signed also means you’ll get a record deal from us. It’s an exclusive agreement between us and you. We’ll fund the creation and digital distribution of releases. This means your music will be available on platforms such…

A&R and Connections

Our mission statement outlines our aims as a non-profit music label. Although you can go about building a music career, it helps to have someone to back you. A&R Advice We’ll give you ‘artist and repertoire’ advice, helping you find…

The audition

Our audition will be fairly relaxed. It will be online, or in person. You’ll likely be interviewed by our Head of Media and Head of Music, but depending on the circumstances, it may be by someone else. You don’t need…

Who decides what gets published?

It’s a joint decision. Although we do have the right to decide which songs we definitely won’t publish (for any reason), As a non-profit, our public image is very important – and we use our internal policies to decide whether…

What ways can artists get signed?

Most labels aren’t open about their signing process. Transparency is important to us, so we’ve explained the different ways below that an artist could potentially be signed to our label. Invitations We allow an invitation and audition programme. If you…

What style of music gets signed?

ANYTHING! We like all types of music from baroque-style concertos to gospel-based heavy rock and anything in-between. Our label is cross-genre and cross-style. It doesn’t matter what instrument you play, what music you make or what style you play in.…